first thing first, how to turn off the f***ing heater? the f***ing heater on the ground, f***ing hot you know? it's hot, very hot. not just a little. it's too hot! how to turn off heat?

Hongik University Street, heater... in... korean... 히터.
let's compare the symbols. what the f***. hi guys, so right after our awesome dinner. now we are here at busan's yongdusan park. time now is about 10.15pm, we're unable to go up the tower. because it's already over. it closes at 10. last ticket at 9.45pm. but it's okay because we're not planning to go up anyway. because we are broke as f***. broke as f***!
the view here is awesome. really awesome. and, let's check out this place. let's go! and that over there is the busan tower. and there's a big, what do you call that? a bell, over at the right side here. so i'm asking david... to go ahead and give it a good knock. - knock? - you just cross over and knock the bell lightly with your knuckles. and we go away straight.
- okay? - there might be cameras. where? no there isn't any. wait, wait... let's just look around a little bit. just give it a light knock will do. you sure you wanna go in? look around. forget it, don't go in. you're recording this down, what the f***.
if people see this video they will be like, f***! - if this goes to youtube then we're screwed. - yeah. clock, this is a clock. can you tell it's a clock? the time now is... what's the time now? - of course, it's accurate. it's 10.20pm now, look. - yeah. this is accurate. - oh, i saw it move! - did you see that? - it's moving! did you see that? - yeah, i saw it.
- legit. no joke. - legit clock. this is an observatory. observation deck. general yoo tong san. yongdusan. yoo tong san. i kept saying yoo tong san. yongdusan. is that his name? he looks fierce. and handsome.
very big park over here. cherry blossoms. yeah and there's a cherry blossom tree. over here. very very beautiful. yup, that is me, over here. okay, let's just... just go. hey, david...
that person is looking at you. i know, at first i thought it's a real person. me too! damn, it's so scary. and i'm like why is she sitting there, alone and smiling so happily? this girl is so scary. she is so freaking scary. 최지우 choi ji-woo - really? - here.
looks like she's wearing a bikini from this angle. she's still alive. what if she jumps at you suddenly like "boo!" what is this? oh led, this is supposed to be led. can we still go up? yeah man, observatory. busan tower. a beautiful place to come.
you can see the busan tower. but it's closed. you have this... awesome, awesome view. of the city. there are locks here too. are those locks? oh, they are locks, right? a lot of locks.
all here. thanks to my buddy over here. our bolin chen adventures south korea version is possible. - so, thank you so much. - you're welcome. - we're in love. alright hi guys, so right now we're a little hungry. jajangmyeon. and tangsuyuk. - tangsuyuk. - it's a, it's... must be a kind of soup i guess.
because there's "tang" (soup in chinese). - guobaorou. - guobaorou? tangsuyuk same same guobaorou. (chinese dish). - guobaorou is... - chinese food, guobaorou. - guobaorou? guobaoruo. - what's guobaorou? what's guobaorou?! jajangmyeon and tangsuyuk. - is tangsuyuk a dish? - yes, yes. so what's tangsuyuk?
picture? - 사진 사진. (photo) - ah... okay, okay. - yeah 사진. - yeahhhhh! this the crispy pork. tangsuyuk. - okay, okay. - so one tangsuyuk and two jajangmyeon? - okay. - tangsuyuk one, two jajangmyeon. - jajangmyeon two? - tangsuyuk big size? or small? - small, small. okay, okay.
room number... - 706. - how much? - should we get more food? - no, i'm not that hungry. - korean money. - total? - yes, okay. - credit card? - credit card? - yeah. - credit card? - okay. now? restaurant, credit card keeping. and... borrow and prepare, credit card here. ah, okay.
- credit card here. that means... we pay later? - yes, pay later. just pay when the delivery comes. here, room. then collect later. - okay, so go to the room? - room, room. - okay! thank you! we just tried out, tried ordering the... what do you call that? korean home delivery service for food. and right now we're at our hotel here in busan. nampo-dong area.
actually, it's gwangbok-dong but i'm not too sure. okay anyway... so now we're here at our hotel lobby, drinking free coffee. the delivery will come in about 30 minutes. the delivery guy will come here with a metal box. then he will just open up and take out... with actual plates like as if you're in a restaurant. but then they just serve it with a... with... what do you call that? the... some wrap?
- what is it called? - food? - food wrap. - yeah, food wrap. what's the proper term in english? you know when i type the subtitles, very... it's tiring. - food wrap ah? - yeah, should be food wrap. yeah they will wrap it up and serve it fresh. once you're done with your meal, just take the plates, the empty plates. just put it outside of your room.
- serious! - really? oh, i don't know, what if the person didn't come back for the plates? when we wake up next morning and plates are still there, we'll be like "what the f***?" just put it outside of the room and supposed to be like that because... the last time i came here, i did that. then the guy never comes. kidding, kidding. but technically, they will come, not straight away you know? they will just come at a certain fixed time.
maybe around the corner i think a lot of people are doing this. and i think it's very common for people to do this as well. in singapore, you have mcdonald's you have pizzahut. in korea they have jajangmyeon. each of us we ordered one. then we also order the fried pork meat, something like that. korean fried pork meat. which they called it the... guan... what's it called?
ah, screw it. so just... just one, fried stuff. after i have a few more cups of coffee we're gonna head up. with our food. so in one second, you will see it. - are you ready to eat? - yes! so our food is here. you have...
yeah, 16 thousand. oh, so you see. he will take out all the stuff. actually... you really can use a card. sign there. - thank you. - set, set. - oh, set? - okay. thank you! - i don't think he will come back for the plates because they are all styrofoam plates. - yeah, styrofoam. so they will not take the plates.
our food is sent right here to our hotel room. let's not leave our food at the toilet first. but then first thing first, how to turn off the f***ing heater? it's really hot. quick, quick. translate heat. urgh take the camera, film me. - okay, i'm filming you. - i will translate it here. this is... ah yeah, man. it's not here.
we're f***ing idiots. how to... turn off... the heater... in korea. - heated floors. - there! this word! where? i saw the word just now, here. we're f***ing retarded.
wait, f***. are we suppose to use the remote? we can only control using the remote, right? - or the heater is plugged somewhere? - no, no, no. - i'm looking for the same symbols. - this is for channels, not volume. i think the ones on top are all... for the television. - i think it must be at the bottom. these are for the lights right? - yeah. - why is it hotter all of a sudden? - it's really hot, that's why. - i'm feeling really uncomfortable. - we're like standing on a stove. damn!
what's that? that's mine... quick i'm hungry. i'm hungry too but i can't figure it out! i don't understand anything! f*** this has no link, no link. f***! what the hell is this? - i think we should ask the... - no, don't. we can do it... i think we can do it ourselves.
hey, forget it... why not... i know. - i know what. - try to feel. still hot right? oh, feels cooler now. i know how i know how. - how? - turn on the lights. - turn on everything. - you found it? we f**ing, just take this out. then all power will be cut.
we will wait and see if it's still hot. - don't be dumb. - it will cool off and we can turn it on again later. - put it back. - is it cooler now? - yeah, it's cooler. - cooler right? of course, you took out the card! you stupid! of course, it will be cooler! - it's hot again. - really? - of course! - f***! - it's faster if we go down and ask. - don't ask him, i tell you.
how do singaporeans solve problems? we singaporeans solve problems by... not asking others for help! do it ourselves! then... then we'll all die. heating. how to turn off heater? urgh, i really don't know how to turn this s*** off you know? i want to eat!
are you searching the symbols one by one? why not? are there any plugs at the bottom? i'm sure there is! i am quite sure. we are like... how do you turn it off?! hey, don't, no! trust me. hey, brother. trust me. we can do it!
we're wasting time. we're not wasting time, we are... - no, we learn the hard way. - f*** you, you learn the hard way i learn the smart way. hey, i learn the smart way, i call. stupid, go down for f*** i can call. you can call, really. "hi, uh..." just say "hi" to him. you call then! what is the service number? you see you don't even know how to use that.
i know how! i just can't read! f***ing dumb... f***ing dumb s***. did anyone pick it up? 여보세요 (hello) - i'm playing with you... - no... - no one is picking up. you don't even know how to speak korean. hi... how do i turn off the heater?
oh, you can off? he hung up on me. - huh? did he? is it the same guy? - he turned it on. - what? - did he say that? - he said, "off, off, me." - he said, "off, off, okay, me." - f***! you try to feel if it's still hot. it's still hot. - it's not hot anymore. - really? - it's not! it's still hot though.
feel it. it's still hot! yes. hot. it's hot. so ladies and gentlemen, after such a havoc. - this is our jajangmyeon. - let's just eat on the floor. actually, the warm floors are kinda comfortable. it's warm for us to enjoy the food.
tangsuyuk! jajangmyeon! then what is this? i think it's complimentary, free. complimentary soup. is this a soup? sort of like a soup with some stuff. oh, there is gyoza! what do you call it in korean? 맜� (dumplings) and that's the tangsuyuk.
we are about to start our... having our awesome... he didn't turn off the heater at all. he lied to us. it's warming up constantly. all he said was "me, okay, me okay." - i really don't understand. - i will go down later. you don't have to go down... just give him a call. why go down when you can call him by pressing the 0, are you dumb? this is the sauce. gonna try it with this sauce.
it's so sourish! korean gyoza. no! gyoza, i got scolded by my korean teacher. - gyoza? - yeah. it's the same as sushi i think. - i said sushi instead of gimbap and got scolded again. - of course. rice noodles. it's crystal noodles. ah, crystal noodles. you're right. they have this curry powder. - yeah.
- you mean chili? - yes chili, chili. curry powder... it's so concentrated. yeah man. - pour everything. - yeah man. don't throw it here! jajangmyeon! help me open mine too! wait, i'm scratching! can't you see i'm scratching my leg? it's itchy!
and the guy didn't even turn off the heater! - yeah! - f*** man! - it's still hot! stir it properly. let's eat! so we spent about 16 thousand. total overall. for this thing to be delivered to our doorstep at the hotel. you have to know korean. to do this. we ate bibimbap and jajangmyeon in korea.
didn't try gimbap yet. i think this is the place we've ordered our food. anyway, if you don't know... you wanna have the actual stuff, actual details, it's all in the description box. are you sure? you don't even know it. - do you know? - now i know. - oh, then you google it and type it in? - yes. i'm full. eat it clean! eat everything!
look, god is telling you to eat it clean. he's angry. these are onions! f*** there's meat! - onion! - see, i ate everything. i can't, if i ate too much onion i will... cannot. no, just eat it. i will just smack you if you fart. i will fart in the blanket, i don't care. i will kill you.
tonight you will sleep outside. - whoa, enough man. don't burp in front of them. - excuse me. this is a blooper. i kept creating bloopers. can you... i tell you your blooper, your burp just now, i will loop 10 times. i will loop it 10 times. so that's it for today. kinda short, a short day. - because of the rain. - and long transportation time. - yeah, long transportation time. two more days, we will be leaving korea. so if you like my videos, please stay tuned to my channel!
bolin chen over here and... david! we will see you in the next episode! - jajang jajang jajang. (black soybean paste) - myeon myeon myeon! (noodles). - did you hear that before? - no. then how do you know this? duh, you said jajang, of course i will say myeon (noodles). i won't say rice rice rice, right?

first thing first, how to turn off the f***ing heater? the f***ing heater on the ground, f***ing hot you know? it's hot, very hot. not just a little. it's too hot! how to turn off heat?

Hongik University Street, heater... in... korean... 히터.
let's compare the symbols. what the f***. hi guys, so right after our awesome dinner. now we are here at busan's yongdusan park. time now is about 10.15pm, we're unable to go up the tower. because it's already over. it closes at 10. last ticket at 9.45pm. but it's okay because we're not planning to go up anyway. because we are broke as f***. broke as f***!
the view here is awesome. really awesome. and, let's check out this place. let's go! and that over there is the busan tower. and there's a big, what do you call that? a bell, over at the right side here. so i'm asking david... to go ahead and give it a good knock. - knock? - you just cross over and knock the bell lightly with your knuckles. and we go away straight.
- okay? - there might be cameras. where? no there isn't any. wait, wait... let's just look around a little bit. just give it a light knock will do. you sure you wanna go in? look around. forget it, don't go in. you're recording this down, what the f***.
if people see this video they will be like, f***! - if this goes to youtube then we're screwed. - yeah. clock, this is a clock. can you tell it's a clock? the time now is... what's the time now? - of course, it's accurate. it's 10.20pm now, look. - yeah. this is accurate. - oh, i saw it move! - did you see that? - it's moving! did you see that? - yeah, i saw it.
- legit. no joke. - legit clock. this is an observatory. observation deck. general yoo tong san. yongdusan. yoo tong san. i kept saying yoo tong san. yongdusan. is that his name? he looks fierce. and handsome.
very big park over here. cherry blossoms. yeah and there's a cherry blossom tree. over here. very very beautiful. yup, that is me, over here. okay, let's just... just go. hey, david...
that person is looking at you. i know, at first i thought it's a real person. me too! damn, it's so scary. and i'm like why is she sitting there, alone and smiling so happily? this girl is so scary. she is so freaking scary. 최지우 choi ji-woo - really? - here.
looks like she's wearing a bikini from this angle. she's still alive. what if she jumps at you suddenly like "boo!" what is this? oh led, this is supposed to be led. can we still go up? yeah man, observatory. busan tower. a beautiful place to come.
you can see the busan tower. but it's closed. you have this... awesome, awesome view. of the city. there are locks here too. are those locks? oh, they are locks, right? a lot of locks.
all here. thanks to my buddy over here. our bolin chen adventures south korea version is possible. - so, thank you so much. - you're welcome. - we're in love. alright hi guys, so right now we're a little hungry. jajangmyeon. and tangsuyuk. - tangsuyuk. - it's a, it's... must be a kind of soup i guess.
because there's "tang" (soup in chinese). - guobaorou. - guobaorou? tangsuyuk same same guobaorou. (chinese dish). - guobaorou is... - chinese food, guobaorou. - guobaorou? guobaoruo. - what's guobaorou? what's guobaorou?! jajangmyeon and tangsuyuk. - is tangsuyuk a dish? - yes, yes. so what's tangsuyuk?
picture? - 사진 사진. (photo) - ah... okay, okay. - yeah 사진. - yeahhhhh! this the crispy pork. tangsuyuk. - okay, okay. - so one tangsuyuk and two jajangmyeon? - okay. - tangsuyuk one, two jajangmyeon. - jajangmyeon two? - tangsuyuk big size? or small? - small, small. okay, okay.
room number... - 706. - how much? - should we get more food? - no, i'm not that hungry. - korean money. - total? - yes, okay. - credit card? - credit card? - yeah. - credit card? - okay. now? restaurant, credit card keeping. and... borrow and prepare, credit card here. ah, okay.
- credit card here. that means... we pay later? - yes, pay later. just pay when the delivery comes. here, room. then collect later. - okay, so go to the room? - room, room. - okay! thank you! we just tried out, tried ordering the... what do you call that? korean home delivery service for food. and right now we're at our hotel here in busan. nampo-dong area.
actually, it's gwangbok-dong but i'm not too sure. okay anyway... so now we're here at our hotel lobby, drinking free coffee. the delivery will come in about 30 minutes. the delivery guy will come here with a metal box. then he will just open up and take out... with actual plates like as if you're in a restaurant. but then they just serve it with a... with... what do you call that? the... some wrap?
- what is it called? - food? - food wrap. - yeah, food wrap. what's the proper term in english? you know when i type the subtitles, very... it's tiring. - food wrap ah? - yeah, should be food wrap. yeah they will wrap it up and serve it fresh. once you're done with your meal, just take the plates, the empty plates. just put it outside of your room.
- serious! - really? oh, i don't know, what if the person didn't come back for the plates? when we wake up next morning and plates are still there, we'll be like "what the f***?" just put it outside of the room and supposed to be like that because... the last time i came here, i did that. then the guy never comes. kidding, kidding. but technically, they will come, not straight away you know? they will just come at a certain fixed time.
maybe around the corner i think a lot of people are doing this. and i think it's very common for people to do this as well. in singapore, you have mcdonald's you have pizzahut. in korea they have jajangmyeon. each of us we ordered one. then we also order the fried pork meat, something like that. korean fried pork meat. which they called it the... guan... what's it called?
ah, screw it. so just... just one, fried stuff. after i have a few more cups of coffee we're gonna head up. with our food. so in one second, you will see it. - are you ready to eat? - yes! so our food is here. you have...
yeah, 16 thousand. oh, so you see. he will take out all the stuff. actually... you really can use a card. sign there. - thank you. - set, set. - oh, set? - okay. thank you! - i don't think he will come back for the plates because they are all styrofoam plates. - yeah, styrofoam. so they will not take the plates.
our food is sent right here to our hotel room. let's not leave our food at the toilet first. but then first thing first, how to turn off the f***ing heater? it's really hot. quick, quick. translate heat. urgh take the camera, film me. - okay, i'm filming you. - i will translate it here. this is... ah yeah, man. it's not here.
we're f***ing idiots. how to... turn off... the heater... in korea. - heated floors. - there! this word! where? i saw the word just now, here. we're f***ing retarded.
wait, f***. are we suppose to use the remote? we can only control using the remote, right? - or the heater is plugged somewhere? - no, no, no. - i'm looking for the same symbols. - this is for channels, not volume. i think the ones on top are all... for the television. - i think it must be at the bottom. these are for the lights right? - yeah. - why is it hotter all of a sudden? - it's really hot, that's why. - i'm feeling really uncomfortable. - we're like standing on a stove. damn!
what's that? that's mine... quick i'm hungry. i'm hungry too but i can't figure it out! i don't understand anything! f*** this has no link, no link. f***! what the hell is this? - i think we should ask the... - no, don't. we can do it... i think we can do it ourselves.
hey, forget it... why not... i know. - i know what. - try to feel. still hot right? oh, feels cooler now. i know how i know how. - how? - turn on the lights. - turn on everything. - you found it? we f**ing, just take this out. then all power will be cut.
we will wait and see if it's still hot. - don't be dumb. - it will cool off and we can turn it on again later. - put it back. - is it cooler now? - yeah, it's cooler. - cooler right? of course, you took out the card! you stupid! of course, it will be cooler! - it's hot again. - really? - of course! - f***! - it's faster if we go down and ask. - don't ask him, i tell you.
how do singaporeans solve problems? we singaporeans solve problems by... not asking others for help! do it ourselves! then... then we'll all die. heating. how to turn off heater? urgh, i really don't know how to turn this s*** off you know? i want to eat!
are you searching the symbols one by one? why not? are there any plugs at the bottom? i'm sure there is! i am quite sure. we are like... how do you turn it off?! hey, don't, no! trust me. hey, brother. trust me. we can do it!
we're wasting time. we're not wasting time, we are... - no, we learn the hard way. - f*** you, you learn the hard way i learn the smart way. hey, i learn the smart way, i call. stupid, go down for f*** i can call. you can call, really. "hi, uh..." just say "hi" to him. you call then! what is the service number? you see you don't even know how to use that.
i know how! i just can't read! f***ing dumb... f***ing dumb s***. did anyone pick it up? 여보세요 (hello) - i'm playing with you... - no... - no one is picking up. you don't even know how to speak korean. hi... how do i turn off the heater?
oh, you can off? he hung up on me. - huh? did he? is it the same guy? - he turned it on. - what? - did he say that? - he said, "off, off, me." - he said, "off, off, okay, me." - f***! you try to feel if it's still hot. it's still hot. - it's not hot anymore. - really? - it's not! it's still hot though.
feel it. it's still hot! yes. hot. it's hot. so ladies and gentlemen, after such a havoc. - this is our jajangmyeon. - let's just eat on the floor. actually, the warm floors are kinda comfortable. it's warm for us to enjoy the food.
tangsuyuk! jajangmyeon! then what is this? i think it's complimentary, free. complimentary soup. is this a soup? sort of like a soup with some stuff. oh, there is gyoza! what do you call it in korean? 맜� (dumplings) and that's the tangsuyuk.
we are about to start our... having our awesome... he didn't turn off the heater at all. he lied to us. it's warming up constantly. all he said was "me, okay, me okay." - i really don't understand. - i will go down later. you don't have to go down... just give him a call. why go down when you can call him by pressing the 0, are you dumb? this is the sauce. gonna try it with this sauce.
it's so sourish! korean gyoza. no! gyoza, i got scolded by my korean teacher. - gyoza? - yeah. it's the same as sushi i think. - i said sushi instead of gimbap and got scolded again. - of course. rice noodles. it's crystal noodles. ah, crystal noodles. you're right. they have this curry powder. - yeah.
- you mean chili? - yes chili, chili. curry powder... it's so concentrated. yeah man. - pour everything. - yeah man. don't throw it here! jajangmyeon! help me open mine too! wait, i'm scratching! can't you see i'm scratching my leg? it's itchy!
and the guy didn't even turn off the heater! - yeah! - f*** man! - it's still hot! stir it properly. let's eat! so we spent about 16 thousand. total overall. for this thing to be delivered to our doorstep at the hotel. you have to know korean. to do this. we ate bibimbap and jajangmyeon in korea.
didn't try gimbap yet. i think this is the place we've ordered our food. anyway, if you don't know... you wanna have the actual stuff, actual details, it's all in the description box. are you sure? you don't even know it. - do you know? - now i know. - oh, then you google it and type it in? - yes. i'm full. eat it clean! eat everything!
look, god is telling you to eat it clean. he's angry. these are onions! f*** there's meat! - onion! - see, i ate everything. i can't, if i ate too much onion i will... cannot. no, just eat it. i will just smack you if you fart. i will fart in the blanket, i don't care. i will kill you.
tonight you will sleep outside. - whoa, enough man. don't burp in front of them. - excuse me. this is a blooper. i kept creating bloopers. can you... i tell you your blooper, your burp just now, i will loop 10 times. i will loop it 10 times. so that's it for today. kinda short, a short day. - because of the rain. - and long transportation time. - yeah, long transportation time. two more days, we will be leaving korea. so if you like my videos, please stay tuned to my channel!
bolin chen over here and... david! we will see you in the next episode! - jajang jajang jajang. (black soybean paste) - myeon myeon myeon! (noodles). - did you hear that before? - no. then how do you know this? duh, you said jajang, of course i will say myeon (noodles). i won't say rice rice rice, right?