Namdaemun Market

Namdaemun Market - Best Place to Travel

hi i'm thomas and i'm sheena and we'rechasing a plate, tonight we're in kuala lumpur malaysia and we're at oug pasar malam or night market to eat up a storm. there are lots of stalls andthere are delicious smells wafting everywhere we can't wait to get stuck in.let's eat! i just picked up our first snacks a coupleof crowd favourites so i've got satay,

Namdaemun Market

Namdaemun Market, chicken satay, the vendor's justcovered the satay in peanut sauce and then i've also got some keropok lekor which are a type of fish sausage we first had this in kelantan. i'm going to startwith the satay first, these look really good. look at that...

mmmmm there's a good amount of fat versus meat on there that is really tasty you also get some red onion and cucumberusually and that's really good cos it cut through all the heaviness of theflavour. time for the keropok lekor so it's like a fish sausage, what i really love about theseis the texture they're really chewy and there's a spicy chilli sauce on top ofthese ones hmmmm very crunchy. we first tried these in a videothat we posted recently when we were with our friends up in their home state ofkelantan we'll link that video up there and we were cooking them in the kitchen,that's a really good snack pasar malam are so great to visit whenyou're in kl or in malaysia

anywhere but when you're in kl theawesome thing is there's pretty much one or i think there is one every night in adifferent location so this one happens on thursday nights but you'll find themall over town just google it and you'll find which ones on we also have someother videos on other pasar malams but we now need more food so we're going tofind another snack! we found some carrot cake and i love this! it'sactually turnip so they cube the turnip up they fry it in a huge wok with somechilli and some soy sauce i think some kecap manis, some sprouts all sorts goes in there this is absolutely boiling hot but i'm gonna try, try and get it down

so good the turnips really squishyalmost gooey and then the sauce on it's really nice and sweet, i could do with a little bit more chilli on there to be honest i would probably next time i'dask for more chilli but that is really really tasty but we want to know alsowhat are your favourite things when you come to the pasar malam, let us knowdown below so next time we're at one we can order your favourites so drop acomment let us know what are your favourites and if you haven't subscribedhit that subscribe button while you're down there. time for more food! this pasar malam is so lively and funand i'm sorry if you are struggling to

hear me because there are so manygenerators going but that i feel just adds to the atmosphereour next snack fruit except it's deep-fried and a lot of our subscribershave told us that we need to try this fruit and it's called cempedak whichis a cousin of the jackfruit it's a funny looking fruit, it's green and knobblyand sort of spiky and then when you open it up it's just got all these differentsegments inside of the yellow fruit i'm gonna give it a go, i've heard it's reallytasty i lost the batter. wow. oh wow. one minute...

all right so when i bit into thatfritter i got this huge aroma of what i thought smelt like banana cake the fruit itself is so juicy and it's got this beautiful fragrance and honestly it smells and tastes a bit like a custardy banana cake! i'm a convert! i'm giving it a go now - it's really nicei'm a huge huge fan of fruit like massive fan so personally i'd prefer totry this fresh because i think it would be a bit nicer it's lost all of itscrunch which i imagine it has when it's fresh it's very much like sheena saidthough it tastes like a banana cake it's tasty but i reckon give me the fruitnext time i want to try that

next up some fried chicken this isactually a taiwanese style fried chicken but we've seen this at pretty much everypasar malam we've been to in kl it seems like this this style of chicken hasreally crossed borders so they deep-fry like a whole chicken chop and then i've asked for it with chilli on it or just powdered chilli let's give it a go itlooks super crispy oh my god, oh it's so soft but the outsides all crunchy thespice is really good it's caught in my throat a little bit because it's got agood amount of spice it's so, so tasty and a little bit of a treat having something abit outside the norm that's really

really nice time for something sweet a crispy apam balik, it's like a thin pancake that's stuffed with coconut, peanuts, butter and corn. corn! wow and you can see the filling, the corn is like a creamed corn and the peanuts are really sweet, oh that's delicious, i could eat a hundred of these and that's us done another greatpasar malam, i love these things they're so fun to visit this one's packing upquite early it's only ten o'clock and a lot of the stalls have packed up alreadyso normally they go a bit later but this

one 10 o'clock for some reason like isaid earlier when you're in kl if you're a visitor make sure one of your nights isspent at a pasar malam, they're great fun and they're not just food you'llfind all sorts here, there's clothes, there's watches there's cell phone repair shops, there's fruit so plenty to look at. thank you so much for watching we hope we inspired you to eat and explore like a traveler, not a tourist, we'll see you next time, remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching it. jumpa lagi!

hi i'm thomas and i'm sheena and we'rechasing a plate, tonight we're in kuala lumpur malaysia and we're at oug pasar malam or night market to eat up a storm. there are lots of stalls andthere are delicious smells wafting everywhere we can't wait to get stuck in.let's eat! i just picked up our first snacks a coupleof crowd favourites so i've got satay,

Namdaemun Market

Namdaemun Market, chicken satay, the vendor's justcovered the satay in peanut sauce and then i've also got some keropok lekor which are a type of fish sausage we first had this in kelantan. i'm going to startwith the satay first, these look really good. look at that...

mmmmm there's a good amount of fat versus meat on there that is really tasty you also get some red onion and cucumberusually and that's really good cos it cut through all the heaviness of theflavour. time for the keropok lekor so it's like a fish sausage, what i really love about theseis the texture they're really chewy and there's a spicy chilli sauce on top ofthese ones hmmmm very crunchy. we first tried these in a videothat we posted recently when we were with our friends up in their home state ofkelantan we'll link that video up there and we were cooking them in the kitchen,that's a really good snack pasar malam are so great to visit whenyou're in kl or in malaysia

anywhere but when you're in kl theawesome thing is there's pretty much one or i think there is one every night in adifferent location so this one happens on thursday nights but you'll find themall over town just google it and you'll find which ones on we also have someother videos on other pasar malams but we now need more food so we're going tofind another snack! we found some carrot cake and i love this! it'sactually turnip so they cube the turnip up they fry it in a huge wok with somechilli and some soy sauce i think some kecap manis, some sprouts all sorts goes in there this is absolutely boiling hot but i'm gonna try, try and get it down

so good the turnips really squishyalmost gooey and then the sauce on it's really nice and sweet, i could do with a little bit more chilli on there to be honest i would probably next time i'dask for more chilli but that is really really tasty but we want to know alsowhat are your favourite things when you come to the pasar malam, let us knowdown below so next time we're at one we can order your favourites so drop acomment let us know what are your favourites and if you haven't subscribedhit that subscribe button while you're down there. time for more food! this pasar malam is so lively and funand i'm sorry if you are struggling to

hear me because there are so manygenerators going but that i feel just adds to the atmosphereour next snack fruit except it's deep-fried and a lot of our subscribershave told us that we need to try this fruit and it's called cempedak whichis a cousin of the jackfruit it's a funny looking fruit, it's green and knobblyand sort of spiky and then when you open it up it's just got all these differentsegments inside of the yellow fruit i'm gonna give it a go, i've heard it's reallytasty i lost the batter. wow. oh wow. one minute...

all right so when i bit into thatfritter i got this huge aroma of what i thought smelt like banana cake the fruit itself is so juicy and it's got this beautiful fragrance and honestly it smells and tastes a bit like a custardy banana cake! i'm a convert! i'm giving it a go now - it's really nicei'm a huge huge fan of fruit like massive fan so personally i'd prefer totry this fresh because i think it would be a bit nicer it's lost all of itscrunch which i imagine it has when it's fresh it's very much like sheena saidthough it tastes like a banana cake it's tasty but i reckon give me the fruitnext time i want to try that

next up some fried chicken this isactually a taiwanese style fried chicken but we've seen this at pretty much everypasar malam we've been to in kl it seems like this this style of chicken hasreally crossed borders so they deep-fry like a whole chicken chop and then i've asked for it with chilli on it or just powdered chilli let's give it a go itlooks super crispy oh my god, oh it's so soft but the outsides all crunchy thespice is really good it's caught in my throat a little bit because it's got agood amount of spice it's so, so tasty and a little bit of a treat having something abit outside the norm that's really

really nice time for something sweet a crispy apam balik, it's like a thin pancake that's stuffed with coconut, peanuts, butter and corn. corn! wow and you can see the filling, the corn is like a creamed corn and the peanuts are really sweet, oh that's delicious, i could eat a hundred of these and that's us done another greatpasar malam, i love these things they're so fun to visit this one's packing upquite early it's only ten o'clock and a lot of the stalls have packed up alreadyso normally they go a bit later but this

one 10 o'clock for some reason like isaid earlier when you're in kl if you're a visitor make sure one of your nights isspent at a pasar malam, they're great fun and they're not just food you'llfind all sorts here, there's clothes, there's watches there's cell phone repair shops, there's fruit so plenty to look at. thank you so much for watching we hope we inspired you to eat and explore like a traveler, not a tourist, we'll see you next time, remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching it. jumpa lagi!

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