Taxi From To Hongdae (Hongik Academy Station)

Taking taxi from Incheon International Airport to Hongdae (Hongik University Station) is non equally expensive equally going to Seoul downtown because Hongdae is genuinely nearer to Incheon.

Taxi Fare from to Hongdae

If y'all are taking a regular taxi at Inchoen Airport, the taxi fare or cost to Hongdae is approximately KRW55,000 (KRW= Korea Won) for a apartment charge per unit of measurement medium taxi based on the data from website. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 regular taxi inward Korea tin receive got upwards to 4 passengers. If y'all are travelling inward grouping of four, the average accuse per individual is less than KRW14,000. 

Where to receive got taxi at to become to Hongdae

After arriving at too cleared edge cheque too baggage collection, only top away on to the taxi stand upwards exterior the rider terminal, which is located only opposite Gate 6, at Taxi Stand 6C
[CLICK TO ENLARGE] Taxi Stand 6C exterior Passenger Terminal of Incheon International Airport

Bus 6002 vs All-Stop-Train vs Taxi from to Hongdae

If y'all receive got Bus 6002 from to become to Hongdae (Hongik University Station), it volition cost y'all exclusively KRW10,000. The fourth dimension taken is almost fifty minutes. Taxi is slightly faster than motorbus because it does non receive got to destination at motorbus stops too tin receive got y'all to the door pace of your destination. The All-Stop-Train from is the cheapest because the develop ticket from to Hongdae is exclusively KRW4,050 too the fourth dimension is likewise slightly faster or similar compared to motorbus too taxi. However, if y'all create non remain at hotels nigh Hongik University Station at Hongdae such as  Hongdae Housetay Guesthouse ii or Orange Guesthouse Hongdae or going to Hongik University, Hongik University Street, too then y'all may ask to walk or receive got taxi to your lastly destination later arriving at Hongdae from Incheon via motorbus or train. So taxi is even therefore live most convenient means to become to Hongdae from if y'all receive got a lot of baggages or are travelling amongst immature children or elderly household unit of measurement members.


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