Seoul Destinations Map : Maggi Goreng Inward Incheon

I convey non had meat/chicken for close a calendar month straight off as well as felt kinda fluffy similar feathers. That's as well as then overdoing it right? ^^ I couldn't lose fifty-fifty a 100 gram off my weight due to Korean rice cakes!! So, instead of rice for every repast - breakfast, tiffin as well as dinner; I suggested 'Maggi Goreng' for dinner as well as boasted to Min Young that this was my signature. Honestly, I rarely create dorsum habitation as well as my favorite location is NazMaju Mamak restaurant. ^^

How create I brand this? With a piffling twist of course.

two packets of Shin Ramyun - entirely the instant noodle.
Odeng or fish cake
two eggs
1 tea spoon smashed garlic
1 tabular array spoon of gochujang - blood-red pepper paste
1 tabular array spoon of gochu garu - blood-red pepper powder
1 tabular array spoon oyster sauce
1 tabular array spoon soy edible bean sauce
Green onion
Dried mushroom - soak alongside H2O for five minutes
Honey or sugar

How to:
1.Boil the ramyun - al dente (can I fifty-fifty purpose this give-and-take other than for spaghetti? ^^)
2.Make scrambled eggs
3.Heat upward around oil, set inwards the garlic, gochujang, gochu garu, soy edible bean sauce, oyster sauce, scrambled egg
4.Put inwards the sliced odeng/ fish cake
5.Put inwards the mushroom
6.Put inwards the ramyun, stir well, set inwards light-green onion

Preparation for 2-3 people.


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