Things to do in Seoul, South Korea and Travel Attractions Map : How To Post Bundle From Korea

It has been to a greater extent than than 2 months later on I left 'The solid soil of the morning time calm' aka Republic of Korea for good. Do I lady friend her?

Strangely..not yet.

Maybe because I'm heading towards a novel direction, a novel challenge hmmm...a novel me. Surprise!! ^^

Well...lets but say that, I volition croak along blogging nearly Korea but non every bit frequent every bit before.

Last few weeks, I received my parcel of xx kg from South Korea. It took roughly half dozen weeks to brand it abode dorsum inwards Malaysia although it was stated inwards the T&C, it could conduct the maximum of 8 weeks.

There was goose egg much within the box, really..accept books as well as loads of books as well as a few wintertime wearing clothing amongst closed to sentimental values which I hang on to.

The officeholder asked me an alarming query though.."Please conduct the options below if your parcel does non brand it within the stipulated time"

Option 1 - Return to sender
Option 2 - Resend via air parcel
Option iii - Just permit the parcel lost its way..hmmm...

I chose choice 3. I know..I tin last frighteningly 'cold' sometimes. Let it larn Zarina...just permit it go. *sigh*

Anyway, cheers to my proficient Korean friend I managed to convey over the huge charge to the postal service office. Staying on the quaternary flooring of a goshiwon amongst no elevator volition give notice me closed to calories definitely.

Get the right size. (Price may differ now)

Step yesteryear Step
  1. Determine your country's zone here. Malaysia is Zone 2.
  2. Determine whether you lot desire to shipping your parcel to your province via surface (ship) or air. For event to Malaysia; a xx kg parcel takes nearly 2 months for nearly 41,300 won OR via air is 126,600 won for nearly 10 days. Check for your rates here.
  3. If you lot desire to shipping via air, you lot may larn to whatever parcel delivery oculus ie European Monetary System oculus but surface shipment tin only be done via KOREA postal service office. Well, I sent mine through surface parcel (by ship) right it would conduct betwixt fifty lxx days to Malaysia. Check the delivery standards for surface parcel here.
  4. Determine your parcel's box size. You conduct keep to ensure that you lot have the CORRECT box's size yesteryear the postal service officer. An IMPORTANT reminder, you lot conduct keep to purchase the box from the postal service purpose or European Monetary System parcel oculus amongst the 'CORRECT' size of box according to your country's limit. Otherwise, wrong box's size volition last held yesteryear custom.
  5. Fill upwards the right form. Air or European Monetary System shape is dissimilar from Surface form.
  6. If you lot pay the insurance or EMS, you lot could runway your materials here.

REMINDER: Do seal your packet neatly as well as but duct-tape it every bit much every bit you lot can. Mine was wrapped nicely as well as tightly but later on half dozen weeks, the box was kinda 'well' handled. Thankfully the items within were even as well as then intact.

Me sending my parcel at Dong-Incheon postal service office.

A sample of the shape via Korea Post for Surface or Air (no European Monetary System tracking).


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