Things to do in Seoul, South Korea and Travel Attractions Map: Korean Rice

When I was wwoofing well-nigh Gangwondo dorsum inward 2009, I met several Malaysian at the resort who didn't dare to endeavor Korean nutrient similar bibimbap equally they were unsure of the ingredients. Furthermore they idea that Korean nutrient kinda smelly as well as felt that they couldn't breadbasket it.

So they brought along amongst them nutrient from Malaysia similar canned nutrient as well as dried anchovies sambal *nyamm..I'm practically salivating now*. Can't aspect to larn home!!

But, where produce I larn the rice inward Korea? I knew or then of them who practically brought their ain rice cooker when they travelled. Hmmm..pretty overdoing it you lot think?

Don't worry!!

Cause you lot tin genuinely respect this handy Korean rice pack practically at every convenience shop inward Korea.

How produce I reheat it? 
Easy equally 1,2,3. Bring inward the H2O to the brim of the rice as well as into the microwave for ii minutes.

1,000 won at major superstores as well as 1,200 to 1,500won at convenience stores.

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