Things to do in Seoul, South Korea and Travel Attractions Map : Volunteers Needed For Siwa Bazaar


Call for Volunteers to assist at the SIWA Bazaar: It’s never equally good late! This is the perfect chance to pace forward. SIWA volition accept many activities going on where you lot tin hand the axe help, too it’s fun. You may conduct to: . back upward logistics amongst set-up; . guide visitors to the costless parking areas; . sell raffle tickets; cook gift bags; . distribute flyers; assistance our vendors; . assist amongst translations; and . clearing upward (much appreciated) for storing whatsoever items afterwards the event.You may volunteer either November iv (set-up day) and/or November v (Bazaar day)Student volunteers volition have a Certificate that tin hand the axe hold upward presented to their course of education coordinator.Contribute your ideas, enthusiasm, fourth dimension too essay to assist us convey close this really of import number – bring together the fun, bring together the SIWA team. Be usage of 1 of the largest International charity events inward Seoul this year: the SIWA too the Diplomatic Community Bazaar.
 Join it’s tardily – RSVP online at: contact Ingrid Peeters, our Bazaar Chair for additional data at:


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