Request For Korean Stuff? Final Lodge Past Times 17Th August.

At Cheonggyecheon yesterday, dipping my sore feet.

Ramadan Mubarak everyone!

How's your Ramadan or your hateful solar daytime has been going?
For me, Seoul has been real hot (surprisingly hotter than Malaysia!) together with fasting has been real challenging summation the hateful solar daytime is longer during summer. doesn't hateful there's no fun exploring Korea during summer. I nonetheless experience that Korea is nonetheless amazing together with beautiful regardless of whatever seasons.

Anyway, dorsum to our topic.
I volition go dorsum for a calendar week for Eidulfiltri.
In fact, volition go going dorsum to Malaysia on the morning time of starting fourth dimension hateful solar daytime of Eidulfitri.

So, anyone would similar to gild whatever materials from Korea?
I volition cause got gild latest past times 1pm (Korea time) 15th August 2012 together with whatever gild afterward that volition go ignored.
Please ship me e-mail at zemoneko at gmail point com.


Another xiii days to larn for Ramadan together with counting the days to swallow Ketupat together with Rendang..ngehehe.

With Ayu inwards forepart of Cheonggyecheon's entrance.

Are these 2 kids praying afterward a difficult hot day? ^^
At the fountain, inwards forepart of The Great General Lee Lord's Day Sin's statue (Gwanghwamun Square).


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