Selamat Hari Raya 2012

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lack of post. ^^
I'm to a greater extent than oft than non hibernating inward Ramadhan as well as volition live on busy in 1 trial again later Eidulfitri.

I volition live on going domicile 19th August to Malaysia as well as returning to Korea on the 28th August.
However I volition NOT live on replying whatsoever emails for ORDER or INQUIRY starting from tomorrow 16th August 2012.

Gonna concentrate to complete an assignment as well as later that going home, helping my menage unit of measurement to laid upwardly our home. Just inward illustration if yous are non aware, my family's domicile has been hitting past times tempest final two days as well as to a greater extent than or less 3/4 of the roof was damaged. There goes my Raya celebration. T_T

Anyway, I volition remain inward Korea until Nov 2012. Will live on preparing for TOPIK essay which volition live on held inward October. After that, good daytime bye Korea..

That's it? So, what volition Zarina create next?

Dec 2012 is the fourth dimension for me to rest. Both my younger blood brother as well as sis volition teach married during that time. Can't hold back to celebrate!

For those of yous who has been emailing me as well as received no reply, I'm distressing that I mightiness overlook your electronic mail as well as I attempt my best to reply to everyone but..I'm only a human existence alongside 24 hours to pass each day. ^^ Hope yous empathize yeah?

For Muslim as well as everyone celebrating Eidulfitri, Selamat Hari Raya as well as Maaf Zahir Batin.
Let's live on a ameliorate Muslim as well as improve ourselves each day.


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